23 July 2011

"When you and I are in love, we love, that is all!"

It has been about two months and I keep coming back to Psalm 37, so very strange.
It started one day at prayer meeting, Bro Philip referred to this psalm and often during devotion time I'd eventually come to this psalm without knowing. It's always when I'm halfway through I'll go like, 
"O_O Could.. it.. be... Psalm.. 37..?"
And then I look up to see that it is Psalm 37.
Very inception-ish haha.
But I think something is not getting through my system here, that's why. 
But that's for me to know and for me to find out.

Anyway, let us update myself here.
I am a student once again :) I must say I absolutely love to learn, I love knowledge, I love to know, 'cos I kepoh like that, y'know :P I love history, culture, europe; that's why History of Costume is my favourite subject now.
Everything is good. Too good, in fact.
If you're like me (six months of pure waiting) you'd understand, you'd appreciate and you wouldn't complain. Unless, of course, you're just dim witted or doing something you don't like. But it's your fault for being passive so there is no excuse for anyone at all to complain about anything at all.

Have you heard of the bombing in Norway? Crazy, innit. Norway being one of the safest country to date and this happens.

Kids these days should stop their whining!
HAHA, so says the kid XD

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